Computer Literacy

Intro to Computers and the Internet

Teaches students the basics of computers and the internet.

  • Computer Hardware and Software
  • Navigating the Operating System
  • Basic Internet Usage

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Computer Literacy

Typing and Document Creation

Teaches students typing skills and document creation.

  • Touch Typing
  • Formatting Documents
  • Using Office Productivity Software

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Computer Literacy

Introduction to Digital Citizenship

Teaches students the basics of digital citizenship and footprints.

  • Understanding Digital Footprints
  • Respecting Copyright Laws
  • Practicing Good Etiquette Online

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Computer Literacy

Introduction to Computer Safety

Teaches students the basics of computer safety and cybersecurity

  • Creating Strong Passwords
  • Avoiding Scams
  • Protecting Personal Information

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Computer Science

Computer Science 1 (CS-1)  

Teaches students the basics of  computer science and coding.

  • Introduction to Coding
  • Basic Programming
  • Basic Scripting

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Computer Science

Computer Science 2 (CS-2)  

Teaches students intermediate to advanced coding skills.

  • Advanced Coding
  • Programming
  • Scripting

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